Gifted Services at The RISE Schools

At The RISE Schools, we recognize and celebrate the unique abilities and potential of highly capable students. Our gifted services follow the guidelines outlined in the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services, ensuring a comprehensive approach to identification and support.

Discover Gifted Education Excellence

Twice a year, the Fulton County School System screens all students to determine eligibility for gifted services. Through a systematic process, we identify highly capable students who demonstrate exceptional abilities. Our dedicated gifted teacher meticulously reviews available data, including test history, products, and advanced content levels, to refer students for further assessment.

Students who meet either the automatic screening or classroom screening criteria, along with supporting data, are referred for additional testing to determine gifted eligibility. We believe in fostering an environment that nurtures the unique talents and potential of our gifted students, providing them with the opportunities and resources they need to thrive. Join us on the journey to unlocking your child’s full potential through our outstanding gifted education services at The RISE Schools.

Automatic Screening

Our automatic screening process helps identify students who demonstrate exceptional abilities, as outlined in the GaDOE Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. Throughout the school year, our TAG (Talented and Gifted) teachers carefully review existing test data, adhering to the following criteria:

• Grades K-8: Students must achieve a score in the 90th percentile or higher on the Fall 2022 administration of the system’s iReady assessment for Reading or Mathematics. Supporting data is required.

• Grades 3-8: Students must attain the Distinguished Level (Level 4) in Reading or Mathematics sections of the Spring 2022 Georgia Milestones assessment.

• Grade 9: Students must obtain a score in the 90th percentile or higher on the Fall 2022 administration of the system’s NWEA MAP for Reading or Mathematics. Supporting data is required.

• Grade 10: Students must achieve a score in the 90th percentile or higher on the Fall 2022 administration of the system’s NWEA MAP for Reading or Mathematics. Supporting data is required. Alternatively, they must maintain an overall cumulative average of 95 or higher. Supporting data is required.

• Grades 11-12: Students must obtain a score in the 90th percentile or higher on the Fall 2022 administration of the system’s NWEA MAP for Reading or Mathematics. Supporting data is required. Alternatively, they must maintain an overall cumulative average of 95 or higher. Supporting data is required. Additionally, a score in the 90th percentile or higher on the critical reading section or the mathematics section of the PSAT is considered. Supporting data is required.

Classroom Screening

As part of our comprehensive screening process, local schools conduct classroom screening during a two-week period in the spring semester. Our dedicated teachers utilize the Characteristics Instrument for Screening Students (CISS) to identify students with exceptional abilities in five or more areas, including motivation, interests, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, memory, inquiry, reasoning, creativity, and humor.

Playing with sidewalk chalk

Reported Referrals

We value the input of all stakeholders in identifying gifted students. Reported referrals, including those from parents, teachers, self, peers, or administrators, go through our two system-level screening and referral processes each year. These referrals are initially reviewed by the local TAG Advocacy Council to determine if there are two supporting pieces of data to warrant formal testing for gifted eligibility.

Additional Information: Supporting Students’ Gifted Journey

Students who meet the criteria for either automatic screening or classroom screening and have supporting data from test history, products, and/or advanced content levels are referred for gifted placement testing. Parents can request to view their child’s screening results by contacting their school’s gifted contact. Once referred for testing:

• Parents receive the FCS Notification of Consideration for Gifted Services (Consent to Test) and must provide written permission for testing to proceed.

• Students undergo gifted program testing.

• Parents receive the test results.

• If state eligibility is met, students can be placed in the gifted program with parental consent.

Please note: Starting August 2022, iReady reading and math percentiles can be used as gifted eligibility scores in the area of achievement.

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